ATIA 2024 Conference, January 25-27, Orlando World Center Marriott + Virtual

Share Your Feedback about ATIA 2024

Thank you for attending ATIA 2024!

We hope you enjoyed connecting with with the AT community in Orlando or virtually. Whether you attended ATIA 2024 in person or virtually, with a free option or paid, were a speaker, or participated as an exhibitor—we we value all feedback.

Every year we want to improve your conference experience—but we need your help by completing a conference evaluation. Select the appropriate button below to complete your conference evaluation.

ATIA 2024 Conference Evaluation

In-Person Attendee Virtual Event Attendee (Paid)

Exhibit Hall-Only Attendee (Free)Virtual Event Attendee (Free Bundle)


If you purchased the In-Person + Virtual Event Bundle, please complete the in-person evaluation now and after you have accessed the Virtual Event, please also complete the Virtual Event evaluation.

Exhibitors – Please share the conference evaluation to additional staff in your organization who were present in Orlando so we can receive their feedback as well; we welcome multiple submissions from each organization to get the most feedback.