ATIA 2025 Prentke Lecture

The Annual Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture

Hosted by: ATIA

Sponsored by: 

PRC-Saltillo logo


Submit Your Nomination

Submit Your ATIA 2025 Prentke Lecture Nominations by September 30, 2024

The 28th Annual Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture will be presented at the ATIA 2025 Conference in Orlando, Florida. ATIA is honored to host this exciting presentation by a person who communicates using an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device or application. This presentation will be in-person and live streamed and recorded for a virtual audience.

ATIA is seeking nominations for this prestigious award. Nominators, or sponsors, may nominate anyone they believe fulfills the criteria. Individuals may nominate themselves if they fulfill the criteria.

We encourage nominations where the content of the lecture is focused on how AAC interfaces with the following ATIA 2025 area of focus:

  • Social Inclusion & User Perspectives – Connected to user perspectives and global initiatives highlighting the importance of Social Inclusion for people with disabilities and the critical role that assistive and mainstream technologies play in enabling inclusion.

Nomination Criteria

Nominees for the Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a person who uses AAC as a primary means of communication (nominee may use any type of AAC device or application).
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Have significant public speaking experience with a variety of audiences and venues.
  • Have the ability to engage in an interactive Question and Answer (Q&A) session with the audience.
  • Have the ability to present a professional quality presentation relevant to the field of AAC.

Please note: Past nominees may be nominated. Past recipients of the award are not eligible to be nominated again.  

Award Details

The recipient will receive:

  • $2,000 award
  • $3,000 travel stipend
  • Complimentary registrations to ATIA 2025 (valued at $580+ per registration)

The successful recipient will receive an award of $2,000 and a travel stipend of up to $3,000 if presenting in-person in Orlando, generously donated by the sponsor, PRC-Saltillo. The recipient and up to two guests will also receive complimentary registrations to ATIA 2025, provided by ATIA.

Nominations Deadline

Nominations must be received by Saturday, September 30, 2024.

Additional Information


The recipient will be informed of their selection for the Lecture by October 25, 2024. The recipient must accept or decline the invitation by October 29, 2024.  All nominees will be informed of the selection of the recipient after October 31, 2024.  The recipient will be invited to join the Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Selection Committee for one year after their successful Lecture and participate in the review and selection of the subsequent year’s recipient.

Lecture Date/Time and Format

The Lecture is part of the ATIA 2025 Conference and is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2025 from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Eastern Time.  The Lecture will be held in-person in Orlando and also live streamed via Zoom and YouTube. Closed captioning and ASL interpreters will be provided for in-person and virtual attendees. ATIA staff will provide technical support and there will be moderators to assist the presenter during the lecture.

Please note, the recipient may choose to present in-person or virtually. If the recipient is not able to travel, then the recipient will be able to present virtually via Zoom.

Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Selection Committee

The Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Selection Committee is made up of the following members:

  • Lori Geist
  • Amy Goldman
  • Tracy Lee Rackensperger (2006 Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Awardee)
  • Angela Standridge (Committee Chair)
  • Karanveer Singh (2024 Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Awardee)
  • Gail Van Tatenhove (Past Committee Chair)  
  • Sarah Wilds

About the Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture

The Edwin and Esther Prentke Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Distinguished Lecture was initiated in 1997 to honor the life and work of the late Edwin and Esther Prentke. The Prentkes dedicated their lives to developing technologies that liberate the lives of people with disabilities. The lecture is delivered by a person who uses augmentative and alternative communication (PWUAAC) to communicate. The lecture is followed by a time of interaction with the audience, allowing the audience to ask questions and interact with a PWUAAC.

To learn more about the story of the Prentke Lecture, view YouTube recordings of past recipients’ lectures, and the full list of recipients, please visit The Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Story

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