ATOB Call for Manuscripts
- Submissions Accepted: April 15, 2025 – August 15, 2025
- Projected Publication Date: Spring 2026
Volume 20 Theme: Integrating User Experiences to Promote Inclusive Design and Implementation of Assistive Technology
We are pleased to announce the call for manuscripts for Volume 20 of ATOB will open on April 15, 2025. Volume 20 will be titled Integrating User Experiences to Promote Inclusive Design and Implementation of Assistive Technology. This volume will explore the critical role of user experience analysis in transforming the development and evolution of AT devices, applications, and services. We invite you to share successful examples of user-centered or customer driven design that involves and fully engages individuals with disabilities, including innovative methods for collecting, curating, and analysing user experiences as well as case studies that highlight the impact of inclusive co-designed AT solutions for numerous stakeholders. The authors may choose to focus on traditional AT as well as innovative technology (e.g., generative AI). Examples describing the design and implementation of both low-tech and high-tech tools are welcome.
We invite submissions to Voices from Academia, Voices from the Industry, and Voices from the Field that showcase efforts to fully understand, represent, and actively involve a diversity of perspectives in AT research, design, and use. We seek to feature research outcomes, insightful design perspectives, user perspectives and community engagement in inclusive design and implementation. Researchers, developers, vendors, practitioners, and users from around the world representing a variety of disciplines (e.g., assistive technology, augmented and alternative communication, special education, rehabilitation, human-computer interactions, engineering, etc.) are asked to emphasize inclusive design and implementation from co-creation to successful adoption. We look forward to advancing discussion and practical approaches that build upon diverse perspectives, lived experiences, customer feedback and active involvement of AT users in design and development efforts can lead to more accessible, equitable, and effective technologies entering the marketplace,
Manuscripts should be up to 25 pages (double spaced) including title page, abstract, and references, but excluding tables/figures, and prepared in accordance with the ATOB Manuscript Guidelines.
Important Note: Authors who are unsure which category they should submit under, please contact the ATOB editor-in-chief with an abstract or a paper idea at